Friday, April 26, 2013

Rodent solution knife reveiw

Swamp Rat knife works 
Rodent solution


Overall Length: 8 1/8"
Blade Length: 3 1/2"
Thickness: 3/16"
Blade Width: 1.10"
Steel: SR101 / 58-60 Rc


The swamp rat rodent solution is basically swamp rat version of the very popular ESEE 3.  both of the knives are used in the same role by most people: EDC and camping/bushcraft chores.

in these tasks they preform quite well and when i used it no hot spots developed.  EDC:  while the knife is a bit long in my taste for horizontal front carry because the handle sticks out a bit too much and people can see it.  but for IWB carry it works great it very concealable and comfortable in that configuration.  if you are in a area that are more sensitive to these types of  tools the RS is a small knife and should not make people freak out. but use proper judgement when taking out your knife.

Camping/bushcrafting: the RS is excellent at feathering wood for a fire and shaving the bark off for making a bow or making a spear.  i also used it for food prep and while i got some odd looks from my buddys it worked in that role very well.

Sheath:  if you are new to the bussekin world you will soon find out that the knives do not come with a sheath. while this might annoy some people it is really not a problem because with a bit of research you will find many high quality sheath makers that can make you a custom sheath for an excellent price.   I will include sheath makers that are either highly recommended on the forums or i have used in the past.
If you do not want to spend a bunch of money everytime to get a custom sheath made you can with a bit of money start making your own sheaths out of kydex or leather i will also include a link to the site that i use to get my kydex supplies
Sheath makers:

Sheath making supplies
Here is my RS

here is a pic of the Reg. RS
if you have any questions or things that i have forgotten please let me know


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